- Archdiocese of Cincinnati:
100 East Eight St. Cincinnati, Oh 45220
Phone Number: (513) 421-3131 ext. 2718 – Mayra Wilson- Hispanic Relations Coordinator
An education based on values, faith and high academic levels. We have information about schools. We also provide individual help with school applications and scholarships. - Cincinnati Public Schools- Transportation:
Transportation Phone Number: (513) 363-RIDE (7433)
Press 1 to reach CPS transportation vendors-Call for bus delays.
Press 2 for CPS District Office Access-Call for information or to change bus stops. - CPS – help finding a school
- CPS Office of Second Language Acquisition
2651 Burnet Avenue. Cincinnati, OH 45219
Phone Number: (513) 363-3251
Support for ELL families
Leyla Peña - Project Connect (Cincinnati Public Schools):
Rising Stars Academy-Vine: 2120 Vine Street, 45210
Phone Numbers: (513) 363-6570
Program for homeless students (incl. living in a hotel, shelter, or with friends/family). Provide uniform vouchers and school supplies. Help with school registration and transportation. - The Cincinnati-Hamilton County Community Action Agency (CAA)
Head Start and Early Head Start The Life Learning Center:
1740 Langdon Farm Rd (45237) Bus Routes 43, 45 The Ted Berry Center 880 West Court St (45203) Bus Routes 1, 16, 27
Phone Number: (513) 569-4510
Bi-lingual intake and classroom staff Head Start & Early Head Start, Pregnant Moms Program, Directions For Dads program, Blueprint for Success, Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) YouthBuild Academy.